3 tips to defrost your windscreen & mirrors

Parking-Here.com – Regency Car Park – advise (amongst other tips) Keep a can of de-icer in your car Squirt it on the outside of the screen if it’s frozen over in the morning, using a proper scraper (not a bank card or CD case) to wipe away any excess water or ice crystals.
An important point – DO NOT pour a kettle of boiling hot water over the windows to melt any ice. The thermal shock (going from sub-zero temperatures to nearly 100 degrees Celsius in a matter of seconds) can crack your windows, leading to an expensive bill.

Parking-Here.com – 97 Avenue Rd London NW3 5EL – says: Start your journey a few minutes earlier than planned. Start your engine and switch on the blower (speed it up and increase the cars temperature gradually) Catch up with the news on the radio and before you know it your car will be warm and frost free, Conflict in the law
Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 makes it an offense to leave a vehicle’s engine running unnecessarily. Section 41D of the Road Traffic Act 1988 requires drivers to have a clear view of the road ahead. The operative word in our opinion is ‘unnecessary’. It is important your glass is clear, and the car is warm and performs well. Sure, there is an environmental trade off, but road safety is paramount.

Parking-Here.com – Regency Car Park London NW3 5EL also advise filling a plastic bag (reuseable) with warn not boiling hot water and dragging it over the windscreen and mirrors which will melt the frost sufficiently to use the wipers and finish of with a kitchen towel. An environmentally friendly option.